Utility to Posture Problem
Recently the greatest of our leaders have endeavoured to solve the Utility to Posture Problem. This problem is a prophesied golden ratio of value creation to the appearance of creating value, thought of more simply as the ratio of work done to appearing to do work. This problem has puzzled political scientists, labor optimizers, and wannabe slave owners for an amount of time that is sufficiently intriguing, creates little in the way of questions into the methodology, and simultaneously yields only results that require more grants to derive.
Studying Historical accounts could play a pivotal role in the knowledge acquisition process and generation of foundational knowledge necessary to think strategically about this problem. Visual media, if available, is preferred to those wordy book learnings people pretend to enjoy. It is most prudent to spend time adjacent to a digital set through which historical information could be conveyed by signals. Physical proximity is key. The individual must absorb the white noise between commercials through volumatic osmosis. This process was first discovered by housewives after barbiturates became illegal. While going through the drug withdrawal process they engaged with the part of the human condition that pondered existence and purpose.Their lack of success led them to explore other avenues of escape. They learned that they could retain information that played in the background of their lives as an unintended consequence of this pursuit.
We know now from science that all ideas that have ever been ideated are already presently in this state of ethereal existence in the void that encapsulates all knowledge. It is simply inefficient to think, as querying this void is a tall order. Today’s modern man looks to the past to solve his present. Great leaders exemplify this, and when we think of great leaders,,we think of the likes of Martin Luther King, who’s name predicted his meteoric rise to power. It also ultimately predicted what the title of his assassin would be. This of course is only true in the metaphorical sense, as American leaders are not really kings, but more like muppets that lack comedic timing. Another great leader, Malcolm X, comes to mind, who was in fact the tenth person to be named Malcolm, advancing the name from relative obscurity into the double digits.
It is crucial to examine these great men and their visions if we want to solve the problem that was mentioned many thoughts and paragraphs ago. Some say their vision was as high as 20/20, but those with great marketing teams say their leaders vision is 20/25, because that is this year and leaders need to portray that they are thinking about the now, you’re welcome mouth breathers.
We have yet to examine the herstories that have shaped American Society. Griselda Blanco was a great and ruthless leader that helped to build the market for disco music. Her disco companion, cocaine, single handedly advanced an entire music genre and kept dentist and nosey nose doctor cashflow elite for the better part of a decade. Her story is one of blood and gore, and that’s not because she was simply a woman with a heavy flow. From her, we can learn that you can be a woman, and be the focus of a true crime podcast. Footnote
In conclusion, will anyone discover the correct ratio of work product to lackadaisical work avoidance? Does history or herstory hold these answers? Will I expand on these profound ideas for money? Did this paper contribute anything, or was it part of the problem? These are the questions asked by researchers to perpetuate an academic cycle of wasting time while the other man build shelters, and farm sustenance, my musings on the utility to posture problem will continue to subtly masquerade as one that is plaguing society so that my hands remain uncalloused, and the pantees of those i encounter remain saharan.