What is responsible for the rise in autism
Democrats? Taxes? Puppy eating immigrant street gangs? While all statistically plausible, there may be other highly correlated events causing the rise in Autism
Could the internet be responsible for the rise in Autism?
50 years ago, people had never heard of the internet, likely because they lived under rocks. Overtime, as the popularity and utility of the internet grew, so too in parallel did the rise in the Autism diagnosis. Autism, is condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. We know that those chronically online are less likely to form meaningful relationships IRL and thus could display a number of autistic characteristics. The symptoms include but are not limited to:
Resists cuddling and holding, and seems to prefer playing alone, retreating into his or her own world
Has poor eye contact and lacks facial expression
Can't start a conversation or keep one going
Speaks with an abnormal tone or rhythm
Repeats words or phrases verbatim, but doesn't understand how to use them
Doesn't appear to understand simple questions or directions
Doesn't express emotions or feelings and appears unaware of others' feelings
Has difficulty recognizing nonverbal cues, such as interpreting other people's facial expressions, body postures or tone of voice
You can’t tell me that internet, didn’t at least contribute to a collective, population wide increase in these symptoms that define Autism.
Could the decline in the use of TV laugh tracks be responsible?
TV laugh tracks were an invention of the years of old that gently assisted people in assessing the comedic value of what they were watching. Comedy is often times hard to understand. Most comedy, like Rick and Morty, can only be enjoyed by people of very high IQs. We also know that people are followers by their very nature. They needed a comedic sherpa. The laugh track effectively served as the perfect guide for people to recognize humor, replicate the reaction, and have that carry over to their everyday lives all while avoiding unnecessary danger and treachery. Not everyone is born George Carlin and as any improv business would tell you, comedy can be learned. The laugh track has only recently been removed from sitcoms, and individuals lacking a consistent childhood conditioning to it may have had their development impacted, ultimately leading to more autism diagnosises.
Could it correspond to the rising levels of boredom and comparitive ego of research physicians?
Physicians these days are raised on a steady diet of being told they are superior to everyone around them. Simultaneously growing up vastly more intelligent then their comrades is difficult as many find things in life easy due to their undoubtedly high levels of processing speeds of information. The sheer amount of jerking they receive from outside sources is astronomical and often leads to mental rug burns(I was going to say Indian burns, but this is a progressive website) Often, when we are bored, we look past the boredom of our truth, and try to find something that isn’t there. In childhood this is known as imagination, in medicine, malpractice. This could be said of many physicians who also believe that their name belongs in the history books, and narcisstically will exploit and label the less then socially proficient for their own legacy gains.
Is it global warmings fault?
What isn’t?
If you or someone you know may be autistic, please contact animal control at 1-800-8678-5309. They might be able to assist you in getting therapeutic help because autistic people are not animals you jackass.